As you probably are well aware by now, I spend a lot of time thinking about various things that are not considered common place, and I would have to say that probably the average person doesn’t dedicate too much time to these concepts either.
The other day whilst driving on a highway I started thinking about the structure of a water molecule and how consciousness would through electromagnetism be held within it. I mean after all we are all made up of over 2/3 water and thereby probably warrants a thought or two on occassion. I was also thinking about the fact that the ether has been proclaimed to be something similar to that of water wherein induction of all frequencies into tangible matter is possible. My train of thought led me down a path and to a conclusion I still can't wrap my head around that is actually quantifiably true, and I could demonstrably defend any argument to the contrary. This rabbit hole that proves unequivocally that we not only live in a simulation, which I believe is something that at least those that are reading my material somewhat regularly may have already accepted as a truth but we not only live in a simulation but, we live in something that is regulated or controlled by a Universal or at the very least a Galactic System Clock like the CPU of a computer. I’m pretty sure if there’s a Galactic System Clock, there’s probably a Universal System Clock (“USC”- might as well make an acronym of it now, not that it hasn’t been used by so many universities in the States already) above that as well, but I haven’t proven that yet.
This realization came to me as I was thinking about the water molecule and its dimensions, proportions, and angles with respect to its two bonded hydrogen atoms. The oxygen atom which according to mainstream science carries an angle of 104.45 degrees measured from the centre of the oxygen atom connecting to both centres of the hydrogen atoms that each carry an angle of 37.775 degrees to one another and to the oxygen atom which then completes the triangle. However, as with a lot of things in the mainstream I know this to be an inaccurate way of measuring the angles of a water molecule as some very intelligent people in the past, the Pythagoreans from the 4th century BC had come up with something that made a little more sense. I’ll leave a link to Ken Wheeler’s explanation of the water molecule as explained by the Pythagoreans Consciousness & the Water Molecule The water molecule is in fact 108 degrees and 36 degrees respectively to the atoms mentioned above measured by using the perimeter around the molecule as the basis of measurement not the centre points of each atom. Now one might ask oneself, what does this have to do with the price of milk or water for that matter? Or how does this affect me in any way shape or form? Which I totally understand, so let me explain, why this is important.
Masaru Emoto was a Japanese scientist who unfortunately died in 2014, he wrote a book called “The Hidden Messages in Water”, a New York Times bestseller, not that I put a lot of stock in being a New York Times best seller, however, it does at least show that the guy isn’t some complete quack..
So, let’s assume for a second the Pythagoreans had it right rather than mainstream science, probably a stretch I know, and the angles of the water molecule are 108°, 36°, and 36° which in Base 12 mathematics represent the numbers 90, 30, and 30 respectively. Obviously, numbers of some significance. In one of my previous posts quite a while back ALL IS BASE 12 MATHEMATICS - THE HOLOGRAM AS A WHOLE an automatic writing in fact, I stated or perhaps more accurately was instructed to write a piece called “All is Base 12 Mathematics”, until most recently I had no idea the scope of what that meant. When I say all, I mean EVERYTHING, including “Time” as referenced to in my previous article where I suggest that time is experienced at a pace equal to the frequency of the observer consciousness.
So, let’s get into this… I started to think about the ratio of these angles, comparing one angle to another and the sum of the hydrogen angles 72 to that of the oxygen angle 108 and how they compared to the overall number of degrees held in a triangle which is of course 180. Don’t worry I can multitask while on a highway.
I was thinking, what would that represent in Base 12, as well, how many degrees are there in a circle or in a triangle in base 12? I’ve always found 180° and 360° kind of odd to be honest. I started with the fact that 108 represents 60% of the 180 and 72 (36 + 36) represents 40% of 180. Since 144 a monster number in Base 12, representing 12 squared or 100 in Base 10, as well as being the 12th Number in the Fibonacci sequence, being the only square represented in both sets, I thought to myself what is 60% of 144 and what is 40% of 72 which are 86.4 and 57.6 respectively. These numbers immediately caught my attention as removing the decimals gets you 864 and 576 which are highly significant numbers in Base 12. 864 converts to 600 and 576 converts to 400 in Base 12. These two numbers also add up to 1,440 which I know is equal to the number of minutes in a day. Then it got me thinking, if I'm using 144 which is double 72 what if I use 216 which is double 108 and after doing that calculation is where the penny dropped. That’s 2,160!
I obviously believe in critical thinking, however, it is useful to have a good memory to be able to connect some dots or find a missing puzzle piece that you remember from a long time ago as puzzle pieces don’t always come in order, otherwise where would the fun in discovery be? Joy in Discovery
2,160 years represents exactly 1/12 of the amount of time it takes for one cycle of the earth’s precession of the equinox to occur, the wobble of the earth that moves us through the houses of the Zodiac. As many have stated we’re exiting or have already exited Pieces and are going or are in Aquarius and this takes exactly 2,160 years, 2,160 years to span one sign of the zodiac from its beginning to its end. This information can be found anywhere, here’s a link to one of numerous websites outlining this. Ancient Wisdom. This equates to 25,920 years since there are 12 Zodiac signs in total, 2,160 x 12 = 25,920. Who cares right? Wait one second, it’s about to get interesting I promise. Now, let’s take this one step further like I did, 2,160 is 1,300 in Base 12 and if multiplied by 12, the inherent base is 13,000, meaning that the amount of time it takes the earth to travel through all signs of the Zodiac is 25,920 Years or 13,000 years exactly in Base 12!
2,160 in Base 12 is 1,300 as stated, which is one “0” less than 13,000 so I took it a step further and knocked off another “0” to 130 in Base 12 or 180 in Base 10 and then one more “0” to 13 in Base 12 which is 15 in Base 10. Now have a look at this site called the Structure of Time, they don’t know anything about Base 12 system, but boy do these numbers look familiar. Structure of Time. Here’s the conversion of years from
Base 10 to 12:
25,920 = 13,000
/ 12 - 2,160 = 1,300
/ 12 - 180 = 130
/ 12 - 15 = 13
So, here's the kicker with this if you haven’t figured it out; It takes the Earth 25,920 years to complete one precession of the equinox and as I’ve researched it also takes the same amount of time for the earth or more precisely our solar system (Sol13) as the earth is just one of many planets in our solar system, 25,920 years to complete one of its cycles around the galaxy, as well, what a coincidence! Now, you could argue that the galaxy is causing the precession of the equinox, which may be valid, doubtful, but at this moment without any further research into the matter, I can’t prove it one way or another, however, why is it that it takes EXACTLY 13,000 YEARS IN BASE 12, I MEAN EXACTLY!! to complete one cycle?
Then, I took it one step further as I am curious by nature and was confused, why did I needed to add a “0” to the number 216, a Base 10, the “0” does not represent a new complete set in Base 12 number, 2,160 being the initial light bulb moment as this number was so familiar to me, this was all very odd! In Base 12 that would be multiplying a number by 10 or “X” or as most calculators display it as “A”, not a typical multiplier in Base 12, it would be like multiplying a Base 10 number by 7 or 8, just a little strange. I definitely had some Spidey senses going off in my body as to the reason for this, it was odd to say the least, as I know Base 10 as a numbering system unto itself is complete garbage/crap and a Masonic/Illuminati push on the public back in 1668 by a Bishop John Wilkins of England (The Imposition of the Metric System on the World). However, then it dawned on me, I started thinking about the free energy geometry I had immersed myself in last year, trying to find the shape from which free energy can be derived, the shape required to induce depolarization from the etheric realm into the material realm not as a dielectric or more commonly known as material objects, but as a hybrid form of both magnetism and dielectric or more commonly referred to as electricity.
Through my research I realized that the pentagon and pentagram were very prevalent and fundamental to etheric depolarization. The free energy shape contains 5 tetrahedrons, each having 4 sides with a maximum of 10 sides being visible at any given time from an observer’s perspective. This convergence between Base 10 and Base 12 most likely had a major role to play in the establishment of the Sumerian numbering system. This would then explain why the number 10 is so important. If we look at the ancient Sumerians as mentioned, they used a Base 60 numbering system, the minimum base required to incorporate both the Base 10, or probably more likely the double pentagram/pentagon (5+5) and Base 12 into a all-encompassing numbering system. Base 12 is used in frequency harmonics, music, microwaves, gamma rays, and the creation of all matter which is nothing but hard light or standing waves that appear to us as solids. It now would appear that Base 12 and the pentagram or pentagon are used to define the cycles of the universe as well as life found within it. It certainly makes me wonder if the Sumerians knew something about how reality works that we currently do not.
Firstly, the pentagon/pentagram is represented in the number/ratio Phi(ϕ), better known as the Golden Ratio 1.681003… ((1+√5) / 2 = 1.61803…).
The Fibonacci is a sequence representative of Phi(ϕ), it is the simplest sequence I can think of and something probably nowadays a 2 year old child could construct in Microsoft Excel. Type the number 1 in cell A1 and the number 1 in cell A2 (directly underneath the first cell) and then add together those two numbers, yes (1+1), I’m not joking! And put the sum of that extremely difficult mathematical problem into cell A3 (directly underneath the first two cells), and in A4 add the sum of A2 and A3 (1+2) and simply keep going by dragging further. Essentially adding the contents of the previous cell to that of the second to last or if you’d like to use a new word to impress your friends, drop the word “Penultimate” into a conversation when appropriate and watch the reactions of those around you. It means “Second to Last” not overly complicated by not overly used in normal conversation. After dragging A3 down for a bit down to cell A41 let’s take the last number and the penultimate number (second to last) values which are “102,334,155” and “165,580,141” respectively, and divide them both backwards and forwards, meaning divide the 40th number in the 41st number and the 41st by the 40th and you’ll see that both will contain “x.6810033989…”, either 1.6810033989… or 0.6810033989… Mathematicians, scientists, even some spiritual gurus say, 1 is to Phi as Phi is to 1, so if you ever hear that you’ll know what they are referring to. By the way this ridiculously simple structure 1+(1) = [2] + (1) = {3} + [2] = 5 + {3} = 8 etc. … are the building blocks to everything in the entire universe.
Secondly, the Golden Angle,
an expression of the Golden Ratio in a spatial format equaling 137.507° (180°(3-√5) = 137.507). This angle is growth pattern found in all life from animals to plants to things we can’t see or have even heard about, both the Golden Ratio and the Golden Angle are foundational to all life and all creation in the universe evidenced by all we can see around us and in my humble opinion (IMHO) foundational to consciousness, which I will get into at another time, that’s a complex topic that needs some serious attention if I want to do it justice. Notice a similarity between both formulas the Golden Ratio [(1+√5) / 2] and Golden Angle [180°(3-√5)], both are the most significant formulas in the universe and both contain the square root of 5 within them.
After going through this thought experiment I understand how we got from 2,592 to 25,920 (13,000 Base 12), the number of years it takes our solar system to complete one orbit of our galaxy as well as the duration of the precession of the equinox as the number 5 on its own or 10 (representing two 5s, the front pentagon and the back pentagon, which is inverted) NEEDS to be present, otherwise there can be no life as the Golden Ratio/Angle would not be represented and therewith no life would be able to exist without it. By the way there are 12 sides where these pentagon / pentagrams can be found.
In a mathematical universe one must account for the equations of life which are not to be found in Base 12. Just like the Sumerians, the universe accounted for both the 5s (Two Pentagrams or Pentagons) and the 6, part of Base 12 to create a very interesting dynamic with lots of excitement and ever expanding and growing and hopefully learning, as the Pentagon/Pentagram can be fractalized over and over and over again for new and exciting adventures.
Some food for thought: A.I. seems to like the number 6, they like hexagons, the shape found in a bee’s hive, like the Borg from Star Trek,
a hive mind civilization… “You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile”, I’m sure most people have heard those words before…(Wonder if that has anything to do with the new species “Homo Borg Genesis”?) and the cube with six sides (Borg Ship shape) or if seen on an angle, a hexagon once again, all proudly representing the number 6, even this new substance graphene,
carbon atoms (the SIXTH element, ironically the basis of human life) in hexagonal pattern, funny enough the strongest substance ever discovered to date given the fact its one atom thick. In addition, in the movie “The Matrix”, right at the beginning they ended the opening sequence zooming in on a number that read “506”? I wonder why? A movie about man(5) vs machine(6) which also happens to be the number on the license plate of my car, has been my licence plate number for well over a decade, not one I chose, just randomly dealt. Perhaps there’s some irony there as well, who knows.
I must conclude as I have no evidence to the contrary that our universe is a mathematical simulation that is tied to a grand or universal system clock. How fast time passes would depend on the perception of the observer consciousness. Ultimately, however, there is a cycle that is so precise that it cannot be attributed to chance but rather to something designed, something with some rather impressive precision. However, since life/source/the sentient (5, pentagon, pentagram) needs an environment in which to expand, to me it makes perfect sense that there must be an environment that would be able to hold both life/consciousness and mathematical precision to create a material environment wherein life can expand and grow and find ways to get to know itself better. It appears that this environment is much more refined and controlled as I ever could have imagined.
Let’s “circle back”…Love terms like that, reminds me of the movie “Office Space”, stupid corporate zombie words in my opinion, anyways, let’s circle back for a moment to time and the malleability thereof.
Since time is extremely malleable as I wrote in my previous post, using clocks outside Earth would be of little use unless you are interacting with earth and needed to stay on an earth time schedule, this is easily accomplished inside the Van Allen belts. However, outside the Van Allen belts having a clock to measure time would be as useful as having a compass to assist you in finding a direction whilst standing on the north pole. Time outside earth cannot be checked by looking at a clock, watch, or iPhone. Similar to how ships’ captains back in the day used a mechanical clock and the stars to determine their location, ETs measure time by utilizing the planets, stars galaxies etc. and their relative position to each other adjusting of course for their current position and angle as it pertains to their current line of sight, if for argument sake they have no communication to their home planet for aid.
Without GPS satellites available to assist in determining your precise location on earth, clocks were an essential requirement to do just that. Ships’ captains on the high seas of earth required a mechanical clock to assist in determining their precise longitudinal location on the earth, latitudinal position was relatively easy to figure out as they had Polaris to work with. However, for a longitudinal assessment they required a mechanical clock along with either an accurate star map or barring that, being able to record the sun’s midday position by way of shortest shadow and comparing it to the current time in Greenwich England (Todays UTC) where the discrepancy between their midday sun and the time in Greenwich would determine their longitudinal position or distance east or west of said point.
Extraterrestrials are required to do something similar to coordinate times and locations throughout the galaxy by using or predicting the positions of certain reference points such as planets, and/or stars and their relationship to one another as these are constantly changing and will never have the same locational relationship to one another ever again, along the lines of someone’s birth chart. Most ETs however, use frequency maps alongside jump/hyperspace technology to travel and rarely, if ever, travel vast distances through physical space. Since there are no locations really, just perceptional agreements that define the material realm and perceived locations therein, however in practice they merely need to change the frequency of the ship and everything inside to match the destination’s frequency and voila, they appear at the desired location. One point to note, regardless of what technology you utilize to get to a particular location you still need to understand “WHEN” you are to be there and since celestial bodies span multiple densities, they are universal reference points or perceived universal time if you will, for all ETs regardless of the density they find themselves in.
A warning or reminder to the ETs… just joking, well kind of, I’m sure they’ve learned this the hard way as well, careful with those frequency jumps, take your time to be accurate in your calculations so you don’t appear at the same time in a parallel timeline where the event no longer exists. Not sure if you can create crop circles all over the place to mark the appropriate timelines, but I’m guessing they have that worked out, at least to an acceptable level as hitting the exact timeline during a jump is well, impossible.
So, if you need to meet with Queen Alenym of Taygeta on the planet Cyndriel in the Aldebaran system at a particular time you now have no excuse not to make it on time, and if you’re not versed in hyper space travel or jumping then maybe take the scenic route.
BRILLIANT. thank you