I was asked to have a look at a particular letter issued by FEMA on August 3rd, 2023. (Link: https://www.fema.gov/press-release/20230803/fema-and-fcc-plan-nationwide-emergency-alert-test-oct-4-2023)
In this letter they announced that they were going to do a test of the Emergency Broadcast System on October 4th, 2023, at 2:20 PM ET or if there is a severe thunderstorms on that day, they would then reschedule it for October 11th. The time allotted was 30 minutes, I’ve heard it’s now 2 hours, unconfirmed though. The longest thus far in history I believe has been about 1 minute in duration.
Why is tomorrow different to any other date given. If you care to understand, please feel free to have a read. It will no doubt go over a lot of peoples’ heads, but I’ve had a lot more time to put these pieces together, however only recently did the penny drop.
Please see below a Gematria date calculator. I have used the most impactful date prior to the one coming up to try and illustrate that this should not be taken lightly or ignored. Currently I would suggest when trying to decode numerology as we understand it is similar to trying to crack a message that has been asymmetrically encrypted using only the public key without the other to try and decrypt it.
So, we all know about the number 33 and its significance when it comes to the illuminati or the elite. Ever wonder why this particular number? I understand it is a master number, just like 22 and 11. Some people may have even dug a little deeper and realized it’s a strengthening tool for a number and have read that through repetition, up to 3 times of a particular single digit number that they are strengthening the meaning or vibration of said number so to impact the world. This is all true, but why did the illuminati chose this number “33” specifically? It is certainly the most recognizable of all the numbers the illuminati have claimed for themselves.
Have a look at this list its Base 12 Numerology and the meaning of all the numbers.
As everyone is well aware we use a base 10 numbering system and thereby base 10 numerology meaning when you look at the chart above, 1 represents new beginnings and 9 represents completion. Nikola Tesla did this type of numerology in his 3,6,9 representing the numbers on the etheric side and 1,2, 4,5, 7,8 representing the numbers in the material world.
However, as you can see there is another system of counting that ends at 11 and and starts the next set at 12. This is how it would be displayed counting from 9 upwards so it might be easier for you to visualize, appearing as 9, A, B, 10, where 10 in this sequence carries the value of 12, and B carries the value of 11 in Base 10 and 11 in Base 12 would carry the value of 13, identical to a clock. Keeping the clock in mind is a very effective way of understanding this concept.
Lets go back to the list above for a second, notice the last number 11 is represented by B, B being the transition number to the new set where 9 would be the transition number to the new set in base 10, so 3B, or three times the number meaning illumination with the highest strengthening power a number can be given which is 3 times its value becomes 33 which so happens to be the number of the illuminati… hmm illumination and illuminati, wonder if that’s another one of those coincidences? So potentially now you understand why 33 is the main number and why they use it. I also like the term elite as at least to me phonetically speaking they’re trying to be very close to calling themselves enlightened, in my humble opinion.
The way I see it, it doesn’t matter if we care about this BS or not, I’m not particularly interested in it for this reason, I’m interested in base 12 math for a host of other reasons. However if we want to overhear a nefarious plan then it’s probably important to know the language that is being spoken, and language is exactly what this is!
There’s still so much to say about this subject, but I need to pick my battles here as time is not on our side. When you look at the chart below, I used the 9/11/2001 date followed by the 10/4/2023 as comparables, October 4th, 2023 coming in rather short order, particularly for the people of the United States where this has already been officially announced.
If you look at this image you’ll notice this event occurred 22 years ago. Well, that would correspond to 2B in base 12, a twice intensified illumination. Followed by 33. Let’s look at the 22 more closely, and leave the 33 for a second, it actually says 220, followed by 33 exactly the time stated on the FEMA document. Let’s also look at the Days left in the year when 9/11 happened. 111, well that happens to correspond to the Magic Square representing the Sun where each row and column and diagonal in a 6x6 grid equals 111 giving a total of 666 per side and each value has an opposite its corresponding number to achieve a total 36+1 or 37.
666 is a very big number for Sun worshippers such as the FREEMASONS or BLACK SUN GROUP, Sun worshipping has been going on since the Egyptian times.
Like at a black jack table, you can split your pairs, a pair here would be anything divisible by 6, so 12 would be 6 and 6, or 66 you can add to that with other letters and their corresponding values or another 6. That’s only if you are trying to show 666. The Illuminati likes 3, the triangle symbol, Saturn which is a 3x3 Magick Box etc., and if they can include 666 as well then all the better. Let’s take a look at 9/11 meaning 3+3+3 x 11 = 33, 33, 33 = 3+3, 3+3, 3+3 = 666. 18 is also very popular 6+6+6. Three sets of 33 in an article is definitely highlighting something for someone to see, probably not you.
October 4th is 88 days from the end of the year which is also known as the Lion’s Gate portal. 88 in base 12 becomes 104 or 10/4 when converted. This is significant as numbers are supported through both base 10 and base 12. Like 9 and 11 are both numbers that end each of their respective numbering systems.
I did however look up where the Lion’s Gate is located, it’s in Jerusalem, namely the one that was always open where merchants and Shepherds would come, Shepherds followed by their sheep. It was also where Jesus started walking to the site of his crucifixion. I’m not trying to bring the bible and Jesus into this, but I do want to mention that the bible even called this gate the Sheep’s gate. A sheep being nearly the opposite animal to that of a Lion an inversion if you like, a renaming of prey to predator or weakness to strength (George Orwell 1984, weakness or ignorance to strength, just came to me). Oh and fun fact Lion’s Gate Films produced the Hunger Games, not a sheep movie certainly.
Nehemiah 12:39:
39 over the Gate of Ephraim, the Jeshanah[a] Gate, the Fish Gate, the Tower of Hananel and the Tower of the Hundred, as far as the Sheep Gate. At the Gate of the Guard they stopped.
Gates of the Old City of Jerusalem: 1. Jaffa; 2. Zion; 3. Dung; 4. Golden (walled up); 5. Lions; 6. Herod; 7. Damascus; 8. New Gate. Quarters: brown: Christian; pink: Armenian; blue: Jewish; green: Muslim; olive: Temple Mount)
https://sheepfacts.com/the-sheep-gate-of-jerusalem/ …As mentioned earlier, the gate was the main entrance for the shepherds who brought their sheep to the market. It was also the gate through which sheep were brought into the city for sacrifice in the Temple. This made the Sheep Gate a vital link between the religious and commercial aspects of Jerusalem’s society….
One might wonder given 88 days left to the end of the year, both adhering to both base 10 and 12 who might be the sheep and who might be the lion in this scenario?
There is a book written in 1911, the 3rd addition it’s called “NUMBERS, THEIR OCCULT POWER AND MYSTIC VIRTUES BY WILLIAM WYNN WESTCOTT SUPREME MAGUS OF THE ROSICRUCIAN SOCIETY OF ENGLAND LONDON, BENARES: THEOSOPHICAL PUB. SOCIETY.” So far so good in keeping with the program of dodgy numbers. 3rd addition 1911. We’ve got some juicy stuff like 9/11 or 3 x 11 equals 33, but that’s not even interesting to me anymore at this stage it’s like I said, it’s figuring out the language. I now realize that these numbers are either the first layer of the onion or a smoke screen or half decrypted numbers with their intent.
Definition of OCCULT (Mariam-Webster):
not revealed
not easily apprehended or understood
hidden from view
of or relating to the occult
not manifest or detectable by clinical methods alone
FEMA Release Number: HQ-23-124
Let’s break this down in Gematria, as everything is done through gematria on the occultist side.
HQ = H(8), the eighth and Q(17), the seventeenth numbers in the alphabet respectively. Through standard reduction 8 remains 8 and 17 becomes 8 by virtue of adding 1+7. HQ = 88 in Base 12 becomes104 or 10/4 when converted to Base 10.
23 in Base 10 is equal to 1B in Base 12, 1B. B is the 11th value in Base 12, the last value before the new set. So, 1B can also be written 111 if using a combination of both base 10 and 12.
124 in Base 10 is equal to A4 in Base 12. A in Base 12 is the 10th number and 4 is still 4. So, 124 in Base 12 is 104 or 10/4 just like 88 in base 12 is 104 or 10/4 in Base 10.
This book is deep, he even goes into detail about how the in Chapter 2: PYTHAGOREAN VIEWS ON NUMBERS. I kept reading, however, quite a bit was going over my head, but I was understanding quite a bit as well and stopped when I saw this box of numbers. Every box represents a planet, in their example it is labelled The Square of Mars where each side is 5, total squares 25, each side counting 65, and a total of 325. Anyways back to 666 and the mystery therein. The book states the numbers of Sol (Sun) and a good Mexican beer if I recall. Are 6, 36, 111, 666. Then he moves on to Venus. I think, hmmm hold on a second here, no mention of anything special, the author simply drops a 666 bomb and moves on.
So I found out something that wasn’t mentioned anywhere I could find that makes these planetary Magick Squares extremely unique, all opposing numbers on an evenly (ie, 4,6,8,10,12) Magick square need to add up to its square + 1 in this case 36+1 or 37 (13th Prime). This then really makes each square unique and cannot be any different than they are, as there are no other combinations that adhere to this structure.
The Sol (Sun) table with each rows totals in Base 10 is depicted below:
The table above shows the base 12 numbers in a reduced format and as Nikola Tesla stated with his 3,6,9 theory that these are the frequencies into the etheric and the others are in the material realm.
Well this Sun Magick Box when reduced in base 12 actually shows the true numbers of the etheric, the 3,6,9,12 or 1 as 12 is represented by 10 or reduced to 1 and placed on each corner.
The rows and columns of the Sun’s Magick Square is 93 in Base 12.
93 (Thelema)
Ninety-three (93) is one of a series of symbolic numbers that is associated with Aleister Crowley's theosophical system, Thelema. It is commonly seen in the salutations and closes of letters written by members of the OTO (Ordo Templi Orientis) or by other Crowleyan followers.
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law; love is the law, love under will." 93 is simply a shorthand way of writing this.
My interpretation:
Source is love and anything other than that would be source through the use of freewill choosing to limit itself to garner a particular experience. Like you or I, as humans, not knowing that we are all one and are all in fact nothing but source creating experiences for itself, through perceived separation.
Everything is omnipresent, and time is an illusion, and I am all that was, is, or ever will be, and that goes for each and every one of us.
There is a longer version, if you’re interested, with more detail also available.
Thank you very much for the kind words Todd.
So I do believe in the prediction i have made as far as using occult numerology by way of understanding that both base 10 and based 12 are essential in deciphering the language.
I understand as far as the general public is concerned not much happened. However, after doing quite a bit of research as I was certain that something did happen, and most likely wouldn’t be advertised even afterwards. Of course the idea being silence is consent and if you don’t appeal the EBS for 30 minutes within 60 days then consent has been given by each individual. As an example why I know this is essential no where in the world did they actually forcefully hold down people and inject them because that would not be considered consent.
I did come across what it was they were doing during the 30 minute EBS broadcast. If you listen to Mark Steele he’s a Scottish military weapons expert, a good guy fighting for humanity with lots of knowledge and I highly recommend everyone have a look at hood materials.
The purpose of the October 4 EBS according to him and this was something he stated prior to that day is to map the frequencies of all of the nano technology that has been installed into people bodies through a process called quantum tunnelling, to essentially map the access points to the hackable humans, according to a Noah Harari. Feel free to visit www.toutestquantique.fr to understand what this quantum tunnelling is.
They do have many animated videos so it’s quite easy to understand the process. The 30 minutes duration was to go through all of the range of frequencies to be able to identify via the cell phone of each individual and map or define the frequencies of all the nanotechnology with associated payloads and locations within each of three populations bodies in order to geo-fence them at a later date but ultimately to understand what type of influence they would have over your body, brain etc, and be able to individualize and tailor each attack at a later date depending on what you have to connect to. Each individual would map differently depending on each individual and the amount of nanotech found in each body and their respective locations.
A very important element for them and a main reason for the EBS broadcast is based upon the PCR test that people have taken, where no registration of the actual PCR tests done to each individual was possible, unlike the vaccines where everyone has a lot number and they understand the contents within those vials and even worse everyone is now identified with a Mac address as most people are aware. they wouldn’t have bothered if it was only for those that are vaccinated because all that information is already on file with them. They need to know what frequencies the contents within each persons body would react to outside those who have taken the vaccine. With the PCR test and the antigen test that is not the case so they needed to do a public mapping of the people.
I did learn one thing however, that a faraday cage or faraday bag will not help in this process of quantum tunnelling, distancing yourself from your phone is essential. If you have time, I highly recommend you watch the movie “Cell”, it is all explained quite accurately in that movie.
Only your phone can activate you, no one else’s phone can. When you switch your phone off it is still on, so the battery last longer if it’s switched off which is not good. Faraday bags don’t help.
I hope that clarifies why the test although only one message was sent, ask yourself why it needed to continue for a duration of 30 minutes, if not longer.
This is obviously not good news, however, at least staying away from cell phones will help, perhaps not so much anymore because they also have kill grid installed with street light LED, that will be utilized that for the actual main event. Anyone driving a electric car at that time I would say is in great danger.
That is just my humble opinion, however I am concerned and want to help as much as possible.
Thank you